
Rob Walling: The Micropreneur Manifesto

Rob Walling's Micropreneur Manifesto

Creator: Rob Walling, author of Start Small, Stay Small.

Purpose: Distill the key points you’ll need as a micropreneur or solo founder to create and launch products that make a difference, provide amazing value to niche markets and change their own little corner of the world.

The Micropreneur Manifesto

  1. It’s Much Harder Than It Looks.
  2. There is Power in Working Alone.
  3. Focus on Your Strengths.
  4. Freelancing is Dangerous.
  5. Seek Leverage.
  6. Stay Away from “Moonshot” Ideas.
  7. Product Last. Market First.
  8. Charge for Your Product.
  9. Passion Isn’t All it’s Cracked Up to Be.
  10. The Pressure of Freedom.
  11. Become a Black Belt Internet Marketer.
  12. Think Human Automation.
  13. The More You Do in Public, the Faster Things Will Move.
  14. Failure is an Option.
  15. Live Like a Pauper, Treat Your Business Like a King.
  16. Reject Growth.



Author’s Website:

Alina Tugend: The Mistake Manifesto

Alina Tugend Mistake Manifesto

Creator: Alina Tugend, Author of Better By Mistake

Purpose: Our fear of mistakes has a high cost – we spend energy blaming each other and we avoid daring and innovation.


While I am not advocating that we all run around blundering and goofing up all the time—and certainly none of us like dealing with people who make the same mistake over and over—our fear of mistakes has a very high cost.

We exert enormous energy blaming each other when something goes wrong rather than finding a solution. Defensiveness and accusations take the place of apologies and forgiveness. Mistake-avoidance creates workplaces where making changes and being creative while risking failure is subsumed by an ethos of mistake-prevention—at the cost of daring and innovation.

  1. Teach supervisors about growth mindsets versus fixed mindsets.
  2. Make sure you don’t say one thing and do another.
  3. Mimstakes shouldn’t just be accepted, but rewarded.
  4. Learn to communicate well.
  5. Know how to apologise and how to accept apologies.



Author’s Website:

Geoff’s Manifesto for 1000 Manifestos

Geoff McDonald Founder of 1000 manifestos

Creator: Geoff McDonald, founder of Manifesto Project

Purpose: I’ve been asked lots, ‘What prompted you to create the Manifesto Project and the game of creating 1000 manifestos?’ Here’s my answer… I wanted a project that embodied the following ideals…

1000 Manifestos

Declare boldly : Play a big game, a community game that inspires me, stretches me and challenges me

Build Identity : build a strong brand and unique positioning, claim some territory

Go public : make it a social game, not a private one, make myself accountable for my word/declaration

Spread the word : something that would be so exciting people would talk about it, share it, want to be involved

Start a Movement : be the source of something, something that causes change and motivates people

Inspire Community : involve others, invite them to play together, to share a common bond and build something as a group

Publish often : a topic with depth, nuance and style, that belongs in different formats and naturally allows for stories to be created and shared

Present powerfully : a topic that inspires people from all walks of life, that I’m passionate about and proud to talk about

Build ideas : plant seeds that can grow big, build an immortal idea, one that lives for ever

Create something : build something tangible that I can point to rather than just talking about stuff.

Live it everyday : not an abstract idea, a tangible idea with substance that inspires me to get out of bed every day

Ngahihi O Te Ra Bidois

Ngahihi - The Face of New Zealand

Creator: Professional Speaker Ngahihi O Te Ra Bidois, wearing his manifesto on his face – a Ta Moko or traditional facial decoration of the New Zealand Maori.

Purpose: A public declaration of his dedication to his identity as an indigenous Maori of New Zealand.


Ngahihi Facial Manifesto



Ta Moko:

Kim Mok: The Manifesto Manifesto

Kim Mok The Manifesto Manifesto

Creator: Kim Mok, Copywriter

Purpose: To poke some fun at Manifestos.


How to Write a Manifesto

Today, we write a manifesto.

Today, our second sentence starts with the first word of the first sentence.

We write a short sentence.

Then a shorter one.

Then a really, really long one that maybe doesn’t make any sense but is immediately followed by




Then we make our point even clearer

By using fragmented prepositional phrases.

By repeating that first preposition.

By doing it a total of three times.

And then we have another really long sentence that builds up excitement for our overarching concept that is summed up in a word that makes absolutely no sense.




Thanks to Gihan Perera for sharing this with us.

Sally Mabelle: From Separation to Connection

Sally Mabelle : Voice of Leadership

Creator: Sally Mabelle, ‘the voice of leadership specialist’

Purpose: To empower you to find and express your own ‘voice of leadership’ – particularly in business.

Manifesto (selected highlights)

It’s the same problem in your family, your community, your organisation, and the world…your biggest problem is a sense of SEPARATION. This sense of separation or ‘disconnection from the whole’ is an illusion. Science has proven that all energy in the universe is interconnected. The essence of every atom is the same – pure energy. We are all at the core that same energy in different forms.

Five Levels of Separation

1. Individual
2. Relationships
3. Community
4. Organisations
5. World

The future we must create together instead is a world of ONENESS.

7 keys to experience the power of ‘connection’

1. Be here now
2. Assume responsibility for yourself at all times
3. Seek to empathise and understand
4. Build trust
5. Speak the truth with compassion
6. Collaborate
7. Appreciate,celebrate, and honour the cycles and the seasons


The complete Manifesto:

Allison Nazarian, Love Your Mess

Creator: Allison Nazarian, writer, ghostwriter, copywriter and mum.

Purpose: Because life is messy! And there’s power in honesty, in being real, in being open and in having some fun in the process.

Love Your Mess Manifesto

Love Your Mess Manifesto



Interview with Allison about creating her manifesto:

Ian Berry: Changing What’s Normal Manifesto

Changing Whats Normal Manifesto

Creator: Ian Berry (2011), change master and founder of Difference Makers.

Purpose: “I wrote this manifesto because I am tired of the status quo and want to co-create a new world.”

Changing What’s Normal Manifesto

  1. The narrower the gap between what we know and what we do, the more fulfilled life we live, and the greater influence we exert
  2. I’m not normal and neither are you! Instead we are all one-of-kind human beings
  3. Change is normal yet it changes what’s normal
  4. The greatest change I have witnessed in my life is society becoming part of the economy.  Social entrepreneurs are leading the way to reversing this.  Success  will mean we have stepped back from the brink of destroying ourselves and our planet
  5. Trying to change other people is futile and is a slippery slope to self-destruction.  The good news is we can inspire others to change themselves by being change masters ourselves
  6. Change is personal first, local second, national third, and international fourth.  Ignoring this order means the great challenges we must overcome to survive and thrive remain challenges
  7. Change begins with what our philosophies about change are and then with intention or purpose which is followed by feelings, thoughts, and behaviour. To focus on behaviour change without aligned philosophies, intention, feeling, and thinking means no long-term behaviour change
  8. Change is social, environmental, economic, technological, spiritual, scientific, and universal, all at the same time
  9. Change is a process and a never-ending journey
  10. Change is pull more than push
  11. Change is both/and, never either/or
  12. Change is simple, which usually doesn’t mean easy
  13. Change is easier when it is driven by enlightened self-interest
  14. Change means why comes before how and how before who, what, and when
  15. Change that inspires and really matters has much to do with appreciating people when they excel and helping them to be accountable when performance is less than agreed it should be.


Ian Berry Website:

Chris Curnow: The Excellence Manifesto

Chris Curnow: The Excellence Manifesto

Creator: Chris Curnow, The Excellence Project

Purpose: A manifesto to capture our infinite capacity both individually and collectively. And, as the source of the Excellence Project to promote excellence.

The Excellence Manifesto

Excellence creates the future

Excellence is infinitely better than good

Excellence sees with fresh eyes

Excellence is courageous

Excellence is a worthy pursuit

Excellence is accountable

Excellence is self organising

Excellence is immeasurable

Excellence goes fast slowly

